terça-feira, 3 de junho de 2008


This is for me. Anybody that's reading can stop right now.

Carpe Diem.

I have to stop having vacations. So much gets f*cked up while I'm off work, it's unbelievable.
A very heavy list of vacation time f*ck-ups:
- a broken leg that had me in cast for 2 and a half months
- a big C scare that ended with some serious surgery
- a bad break of a different kind (maybe more painful even)
- minor surgery in the family
- big C in the family
and now
- serious eye problems in the family
My first 2 days of vacation have been spent back and forth from the hospital and have worn me out. On one hand, I should be thankful - all the before stuff is cured, gone, and well. The now is scary.
I don't even know if I should post this crap. Should I apologize for the profanity? Hmmm... I swear on a regular basis. Helps me stay sane. These past few days I could win any redneck contest.

2 comentários:

Asulado disse...

I just want to say that I only read the first line.

Canuck disse...

Good for you.
(Há sempre muita falta de moços obedientes).